Students ages 8-18 who are enrolled in CYT classes are invited to audition for the current production. Auditions consist of a one-minute song performed for the Artistic Team along with the reading of a "side". The audition process also includes potential for a “callback” in which a student may be asked to sing and/or read for a speaking role in the show. Auditions are a wonderful way for students to gain self-confidence and to show the best of their talents!

Read below for audition details and helpful tips!

How do I sign up to audition?

Interested in auditioning for one of our upcoming productions? Signing up for an audition is a two-step process.

First, you must be registered for a class! As you are registering, you will be asked if you would like to sign up for an audition time. At that point, you may request an audition appointment. If you do not register at that time and wish to do so later, you can go into your CYT Account, click Tools next to the student's name who wishes to audition, Click Auditions, then click +Edit Audition Form under the student's name.

Second, you will need to compete all of the pre-audition requirements by the scheduled deadline prior to auditions. The requirements include completion of the cast audition or crew interview form and the production parent team form. Included with the requirements is the background check consent form for new parents/guardians. The required forms and links can be found on the Parent Hub.

Both of these steps must be completed in order to audition for a show. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Production Coordinator for your show. The contact information for each coordinator can be found in the current production manual found on the Parent Hub.

How do auditions/callbacks work?

At CYT, auditions are a casting call; nothing is precast. Any student 8-18 enrolled in classes is eligible to audition. Students have “1 minute to shine!"  Auditioners will prepare a 1-minute song highlighting their vocals and acting through song.

Select a required character "side" that will be included in the current production manual so students have time to memorize these lines and help show a bit of acting ability. Your family should read the manual thoroughly to understand that process.

A karaoke/backing track (vocal free music) is required for your song. Many students use You Tube Videos, karaoke track websites, iTunes, Amazon, etc. Your karaoke/backing track will need to be uploaded to your audition form by the deadline shown in the manual.

At auditions, students will enter the main audition room with the members of the Artistic Team and sing their chosen song. After their audition song students will perform a memorized "side", a few lines from one of the characters that has been previously selected by the Director and can be found in the production manual. As each student's name is called, the student will come in front of the Artistic Team, and give their "slate," which is their name, age, song they are performing, and show the song is from (ex: "Hello, my name is Betty. I am 10 years old, and I will be singing 'Oh, What a Beautiful Morning from the musical My Fair Lady."). When the song is concluded students will introduce their chosen"side" and perform it (ex: "Thank you. I will now perform the side for Terk.").  They will then thank the Artistic Team and exit the stage. 

If the Artistic Team wishes to hear any additional singing or would like to hear a student read for a role, they will be called back the following day. Please refer to callback information in the manual. Students who receive a Saturday callback email will be asked either to stay only for the morning Dance Audition from 8:50-11am or will be asked to stay for the full day that includes Vocal and Drama Audition from 8:50am-2pm.

What do I have to do for my audition? What do I need for my audition?

Students have “1 minute to shine”. Auditioners will need a 1-minute song highlighting their vocals and acting through song. Students will have the option to memorize a side and perform it for the Artistic Team. Details about the song and optional side are available in the current production manual.

All auditioners are required to submit a digital audition form by the deadline shown in the current production manual. There are links to both the cast and crew audition forms in the production manual along with all details for participating in a CYT show. Links to the audition form are also located in the Parent Hub.

Do I have to dance/sing for my audition?

All students act, sing and dance for CYT auditions.

How do absences play into casting?

The Artistic Team needs to know what rehearsals you will be missing. To participate in a CYT Portland/Vancouver show, only two absences are allowed. If your student will need to be absent during a rehearsal, there will be a space in the audition form to fill out that information. Please review the absence policy in the current production manual.

A missed half day of rehearsal is considered a full absence.

Where do I submit my audition song?

  1. Make sure that you have signed up for an audition time. 
  2. There is a space in the audition forms to submit your song.
  3. There are links to the current audition forms in the production manual and in the Parent Hub.

Where are audition forms?

All of our audition forms are digital. You can find them through links in the production manual or on our Parent Hub.

Can I watch/videotape auditions?

YES! We encourage you to watch auditions and support your child and even stay to support the other students who are auditioning.

You may certainly videotape your child's audition, though you may not record other children without authorization from their parent.

How should I help my child with the audition process?

We are so excited you asked this! You are a key to your child's success on the audition stage. Help them find just the right song, and encourage them to practice singing in front of you consistently. Do not just applaud them and tell them how awesome they are all of the time. Offer them constructive feedback so they can learn and grow. This will help set them up for a confident audition that they can be proud of. Psst! Bring tissues. 
For more detailed information check out our What to Expect at Auditions page with the link below.

What if I am unsure about my rehearsal conflicts?

All of our rehearsal times are listed in our current production manual. Please check them to your family's calendar so you can fill out the audition form accurately. If a conflict is not set in stone, please list it as a conflict and make a note on the audition form.

What if my child turns 8 or 18 during the rehearsal process? Does it affect show eligibility?

On the back end, a child must be no older than 18 on the first night of their areas classes in order to participate & audition for the show. but can turn 19 during the session. A student age 7, must turn 8 by the cast party to participate in the production.

How many students usually audition for the production?

It varies greatly by production, area, and session, though most shows see numbers between 40-70.

Casting and Cutting Parameters

As CYT grows and more and more students audition for shows it is inevitable that Artistic Teams will need to go through the difficult process of sizing the cast so that the production process is manageable for everyone involved. Please click on the link below to review the Casting and Cutting Parameters.